Personal Trainer Georgina Cox Reminds Us to Practice Kind, Compassionate Self-Talk

Georgina Cox.
Courtesy of Georgina Cox
Georgina Cox, a personal trainer and online coach, is a go-to resource for not only strength workouts, but confidence-boosting self-love tips, as well.
On Sept. 12, the U.K.-based content creator shared an important reminder about kind, compassionate self-talk that we’re making our new personal mantra. Cox donned a sheer pink bra and panty set by Lounge Underwear and panned across different parts of her body throughout the video clip.
“When you’re watching this video.. Are you judging my body? Do you think my cellulite is ugly? Do you think my rolls mean I’m unhealthy? Do you think my stretch marks are shameful?” all panned across the screen, which ultimately concluded with a thought-provoking question: “Then why do you think these things about your body?”
Cox then encouraged her 201,000 followers on the platform to embrace their own bodies and love themselves as they would others.
“Try treating your body like someone you love!” she further suggested in her caption. “Support it. Nourish it. Appreciate it. And maybe one day you’ll look at yourself with the same kindness you do everyone else in your life ❤️.”
“I love this!!!” a fan gushed in the comments. “I wish I saw my body how I see others....or how they see mine if it is intact different to my own perception! You're amazing, total queen 👸 ❤️.”
“I wish this kind of content was around when I was a teen,” someone else shared. “I hated my body and I judged others just as much. Thank you for helping me love myself and everyone else! 🙏🌸💕.”
“You inspire all of us to radically accept ourselves and we need so much more of this. 😍👏,” another follower noted.