Sixtine Gets Real About Her Confidence Journey Over the Years

Theo Wargo/Getty Images
We know Sixtine as a confident queen, but the 2023 SI Swimsuit rookie revealed on TikTok earlier this week that she hasn’t always been so self-assured.
The 25-year-old took the time to reflect on a journal entry from August 2020, in which she wrote that she lies about her confidence. “Which, given my current position now, I think it’s just so interesting,” she told her 836,000 followers. “Because I think in a lot of interviews, people ask me like, ‘Oh, you’ve always been confident, right?’ And I’m like, this is proof that I was not always confident.”
Sixtine noted that while today, she can comfortably share content of herself in lingerie or swimwear, or open up on social media about her body in a candid manner, she wasn’t always like that.
“Because as much as I hate to admit it, my mother was right,” she quipped. “Sometimes you do have to fake it til you make it, fake it til you feel it.”
The body neutrality influencer ended her important message by reminding her fans that those they look up to online, like her, are most likely “faking it as much as you’re faking it. So fake it til you make it, babe.”
Several of the model’s followers chimed in to the comments section to thank Sixtine for her usual candor.
“This is gold!” one person declared. “Inner work & showing up for yourself as well as being so candid with us. Thank you for this!”