Jennifer Atilémile Shares Her Valuable Philosophy on Representation and Diversity

The Australian model opened up about her modeling experiences and how she hopes to use her platform going forward.
Jennifer Atilémile
Jennifer Atilémile / Ivan Apfel/Getty Images

Australian-French model Jennifer Atilémile is constantly inspiring women to chase after their dreams while also encouraging the industry to do better in terms of diversity and inclusion.

She was featured as a rookie in the 2023 SI Swimsuit magazine, an experience Atilémile recently called a “career highlight” that helped to further elevate her voice and mission.

“I really think that in order for me to get ‘noticed’ I really leaned into my Instagram, and am super grateful for the body positivity community that I found on there, which really helped to start a conversation online about the lack of diversity in Australia and media landscape in general,” she told Flaunt magazine of her mission and platform.

Atilémile, who was Victoria’s Secret’s first Australian curve model in 2020, is proud of herself for becoming the representation she wishes she had when she was younger. She’s dedicated to working tirelessly to make progress in the fashion and modeling industries.

“Seeing is believing, and if we want a truly inclusive and loving society, we have to represent all people, diversity is what makes us better. If you don’t see yourself reflected in the fabric of society, then you’re not going to feel like you belong anywhere,” she added. “I remember wanting to get into fashion so that younger generations didn’t grow up as I did, with an unhealthy view of their bodies, but I worry that the way the industry is going, and with their access to social media if we’re not careful, it might be too late.”

Read the full Flaunt story here.

Ananya Panchal


Ananya Panchal is a NYC-based Lifestyle & Trending News writer at SI Swimsuit. Before joining the Swim team, the Boston University Alum worked for culture & entertainment beats at Bustle, The San Francisco Chronicle and the TODAY Show. When Ananya is not writing or doom-scrolling on social media, she can be found playing sudoku, rewatching One Tree Hill or trying new restaurants. She's also a coffee and chocolate (separately) enthusiast.