Georgia Gibbs Lives by These Three Tips 'for Better Skin'

The model has spent a lot of time building towards better skin—here is her personally vetted advice.
Georgia Gibbs

Georgia Gibbs.

Skincare is, by and large, a constant battle. Our skin can sometimes seem constantly in flux, and with it, our skincare routine and products.

Finding what works best is a very personal task—everyone’s skin responds differently to different techniques and products. But that doesn’t mean we can’t turn to others for general advice on cultivating better skin (and better skincare).

That’s why, when model Georgia Gibbs took to Instagram to share her top three skincare tips, we immediately jumped at the opportunity to share them with you. She has some wise advice, and we certainly think it’s worth hearing.

1. Try and avoid essential oils

Using skincare products that contain essential oils “can be super disruptive to your skin barrier,” Gibbs said. Rather, “opt for whole plant botanicals,” which won’t have the same negative effects, according to the model.

2. Have a diet rich in fats

What you eat doesn’t just affect your insides—it can have an effect on your skin, too. If you’re looking to improve your skin, Gibbs recommended eating a high-fat diet. “Fats are essential for our hormones, but they’re also essential for the hydration and the resiliency of our skin barrier,” she said.

3. Use a gentle exfoliant and only do it once a week

Exfoliants aren’t a bad idea, but they should be used in moderation. Over-exfoliating “can actually damage the barrier of our skin more [and] create more sensitivity and more oil,” the model asserted.

Skincare routines have to be individualized to your needs. But if you’re struggling with your skin’s appearance and are looking to improve it, start with Gibbs’s three simple tips, and then go from there.

Martha Zaytoun


Martha Zaytoun is a Lifestyle & Trending News writer for SI Swimsuit. Before joining the team, Martha worked on the editorial board of the University of Notre Dame’s student magazine and on the editorial team at Chapel Hill, Durham and Chatham Magazines in North Carolina. When not working, Martha loves to watercolor and oil paint, run or water ski. She is a graduate of the University of Notre Dame and a huge Fighting Irish fan.