Ashley Tisdale Opens Up About Living With Alopecia

Ashley Tisdale.
Noam Galai/Getty Images
Ashley Tisdale has opened up about her experience with Alopecia, a hair-loss condition that she has been dealing with since her early 20s.
The actress shared a joint video between her personal Instagram account and her health and beauty company, Frenshe. She spoke about when she first noticed a bald spot, when she was officially diagnosed and how she has been dealing with the ailment.
“Alopecia and hair loss are fairly common, but a lot of people feel embarrassed to talk about these issues,” the 37-year-old wrote. “Any type of hair loss can affect your self-esteem, especially if you feel like you’re the only one going through it. That’s why I want to talk about it openly—because it’s nothing to be ashamed of. Sometimes it’s connected to hormones, other times to heredity, and for me, it’s connected to stress overload. Today on @frenshe I’m sharing what I’ve learned about my alopecia and how I help manage it.”
The mom of 1-year-old daughter, Jupiter, admitted that when she first heard of Alopecia, she had no idea what it meant.
“The hair grew back, it always does. But I wanted to share what has helped me: stress management. Obviously, mediation,” Tisdale explained. “A lot of the time, my Cortisol is up, because I’m sometimes putting stress on myself for no reason, but it’s really important to know what’s a big deal versus what is not a big deal.”
Tisdale shared she also tried a platelet-rich plasma injection in some of her problem areas—it was an expensive but extremely effective solution. Another life change that helped her was following the autoimmune paleo diet.
“First of all, it just makes you feel better and it really is healing towards the gut,” she continued. “You don’t want to be on it for like a lifestyle diet, but it’s good to do like a 30-day thing.”
According to the National Alopecia Areata Foundation, the autoimmune disease affects as many as 6.8 million people of all ages, sexes and ethnic groups in the country and has a lifetime risk of 2.1%.
“Know that if you struggle with it, you are not alone,” Tisdale finished.