Kayla Itsines Shares High-Intensity Routine That Takes Less Than 15 Minutes

A cardio-centered set meant for a quick sweat or as a stackable piece of a longer workout.
Kayla Itsines poses in a sheer black dress in front of a pink backdrop.

Kayla Itsines.

For years now, Australian personal trainer Kayla Itsines has been producing effective workouts on her platform, Sweat. The appeal, like many app-based fitness programs, is the versatility. You can take her workouts anytime, anywhere, with just your phone and perhaps a few weights. But, more than that, her workouts are just really good. In short, they’re worth however much or little time you have to give them.

Thankfully, many of the routines err on the side of little time, making for short one-off opportunities for movement or the chance to stack multiple for a more intense experience. The most recent high-intensity set that she shared to her social media channel is just that: short and sweet. Containing several cardio-focused moves, the routine is meant to get your heart up in a short amount of time.

Itsines recommended doing each of the following moves for 30 seconds each. Repeat the whole set three times with one minute of rest in between.

1. Skipping

Grab a jump rope and jump with both feet together.

2. Caterpillar walk

Stand at the foot of your yoga mat. Fold over and place your hands on the mat, then walk them out into plank position. Walk them back in to your feet and stand up straight. Repeat.

3. Jump lunge

Start in a lunge position. Jump up, while simultaneously switching the position of your legs, bringing your back leg to the front and landing back in a lunge position. Repeat.

4. High knees

Stand up straight and run in place, bringing your right leg up to chest height and your left arm up at the same time. Repeat on the other side.

5. Mountain climber

Start in a high plank position on your mat. Alternate bringing each knee up to your chest and then returning them to plank position.

6. Burpees

Start in high plank position. Go down into a push-up. Return to high plank position and jump with your feet to meet your hands. Stand up and jump into the air. Place your hands on the ground and jump your legs back out to plank. Repeat.

7. Ab bikes 

Begin on your back with your knees in tabletop and your hands behind your head. Bring one knee in and twist your upper body so that your opposite elbow meets your knee. Repeat on the other side.

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Martha Zaytoun

Martha Zaytoun is a Lifestyle & Trending News writer for SI Swimsuit. Before joining the team, Martha worked on the editorial board of the University of Notre Dame’s student magazine and on the editorial team at Chapel Hill, Durham and Chatham Magazines in North Carolina. When not working, Martha loves to watercolor and oil paint, run or water ski. She is a graduate of the University of Notre Dame and a huge Fighting Irish fan.