Melissa Wood-Tepperberg Gets Honest About How to Cultivate Inner Happiness

Melissa Wood-Tepperberg.
Denise Truscello/Getty Images
Health and wellness coach Melissa Wood-Tepperberg is all about prioritizing both physical and mental well-being. She reiterated the importance of self-love and happiness in a Feb. 8 Instagram post.
“Who is the one person you’re going to be with for the rest of your life?” Wood-Tepperberg asked in a voiceover. “It’s you.”
Clips of the 2023 SI Swimsuit rookie played in the background, as Wood-Tepperberg walked down a street, meditated, danced in a swimsuit, blended a smoothie and moved her body.
She posed another question, asking, “So what in our life can we cultivate to expand and to grow this incredible relationship within?”
More snippets depicted Wood-Tepperberg laughing while eating, running across a beach, doing a rooftop workout and dancing indoors.
“This is about bringing in these desires and this energy that you want in your life, and I truly believe with every single thing inside of me that it starts with planting the seed with self,” she stated.
Wood-Tepperberg dropped the latest episode of her Move With Heart podcast the same day, in which she offered up her sage advice for how listeners can show themselves more love and cultivate happiness from within.
“The only person that can do the work for you, is you,” she wrote in the caption of her post, while encouraging fans to listen to the full episode.
“Love this so much ❤️ Tune out the noise and focusing on yourself is the best,” commented one person.
“I am planting seeds every day ❤️ thanks for sharing and reminding ❤️ #selflove,” wrote another.
“Love this message,” an additional follower said. “And sharing it to young girls as when we are young we are often conditioned to find a partner or other person to complete us instead of working on our relationship with ourself.”
Meet Melissa Wood-Tepperberg—read the 2023 SI Swimsuit rookie’s full feature profile here.