Former Olympic Gymnast McKayla Maroney Opens Up About Recent Insomnia, Health Struggles

She shared an honest update about her diagnosis on her wellness Instagram account.
McKayla Maroney smiles for the camera wearing a baby blue and white patterned dress and her brown hair down.

McKayla Maroney.

Retired Olympic gymnast McKayla Maroney has been unusually quiet of late on her Instagram account created for “all things wellness, beauty and mental health.” She hadn’t posted to the account since December of last year, and on Oct. 4, she posted a carousel to share, in part, why. 

The athlete struggled with severe insomnia throughout the summer months, only sleeping a total of 10 days during a three-month long period. She attended several appointments attempting to get to the bottom of her health struggles and only recently made a breakthrough discovery, which has allowed her to sleep relatively normally again.

With the help of several doctors, Maroney discovered that she has a histamine intolerance, which increased her adrenaline and prevented her from sleeping. By cutting out foods that contain histamine and taking a supplement that breaks down the excess, Maroney is just now beginning to recover.

The carousel included a show of understandable emotion as well as depicted many doctor’s visits and helpful tips for those who might also be experiencing severe insomnia. Maroney also teased further posts to help those who might be experiencing similar problems. “My next posts will be more helpful I promise— this was more of a trauma dump😂😂,” she wrote at the end of the caption.

The utterly honest post was the perfect example of the kind of content that Maroney typically shares on her wellness account—and we admire her for it. Here’s to hoping she continues to heal.

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Martha Zaytoun


Martha Zaytoun is a Lifestyle & Trending News writer for SI Swimsuit. Before joining the team, Martha worked on the editorial board of the University of Notre Dame’s student magazine and on the editorial team at Chapel Hill, Durham and Chatham Magazines in North Carolina. When not working, Martha loves to watercolor and oil paint, run or water ski. She is a graduate of the University of Notre Dame and a huge Fighting Irish fan.