2023 SI Swim Rookie Mady Dewey’s Go-to Sunscreen Brand Both Protects and Moisturizes

The tech entrepreneur loves spending time outdoors and knows the importance of protecting her skin.
Mady Dewey.

Mady Dewey.

Mady Dewey, a 2023 SI Swimsuit rookie, is always switching up her morning routine to keep things new and interesting. She’s been loving taking a leisurely walk before logging in for a work day as the cofounder of metrics-free social media app, Herd.

“Fellow work from home girlies, who are not morning people, this video is for you. I find myself getting so bored by having the same morning routine every single day. So instead I have been doing daily morning rituals. Every day is something new. It keeps it fun and fresh,” Dewey shared in a recent TikTok. “Fridays is my personal favorite. My partner and I go on a coffee walk, which sounds very simple, but there's more to it. We try a new coffee shop. We walk around for 45 minutes. Before we leave, I put a hair mask in so that when I get home from this walk, I can take my everything shower, do a minute [makeup] beat, make some breakfast and then log on. And then by the time I log off on Friday, I basically can change and go and live my life.”

One thing that has remained a staple in the San Francisco resident’s morning routine, regardless of the season, is sunscreen. Her favorite is by Shiseido, she told SI Swimsuit during Miami Swim Week.

“I really love their face sunscreen, and that’s like an every morning [staple] in the summer, but especially higher SPF in the summer,” she says.

Shop the 2022 Allure Best of Beauty Award-winning product below.

Urban Environment Oil-Free Mineral Sunscreen SPF 42, $38 (shiseido.com)

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Ananya Panchal


Ananya Panchal is a NYC-based Lifestyle & Trending News writer at SI Swimsuit. Before joining the Swim team, the Boston University Alum worked for culture & entertainment beats at Bustle, The San Francisco Chronicle and the TODAY Show. When Ananya is not writing or doom-scrolling on social media, she can be found playing sudoku, rewatching One Tree Hill or trying new restaurants. She's also a coffee and chocolate (separately) enthusiast.