Selena Gomez Shares Her Best Advice for Going Through a Breakup

The singer and actress offered her thoughts in a new ‘TIME’ magazine story.
Selena Gomez
Selena Gomez / Lionel Hahn/Getty Images

Selena Gomez is one of the many queens of releasing pop breakup anthems. Anyone who has already been through their first heartbreak knows how hard “The Heart Wants What it Wants” hits in those first few weeks.

The Only Murders in the Building actress recently chatted with TIME magazine, and in it, Gomez revealed some details about her relationship with producer Benny Blanco. Gomez also shared her best advice for dealing with a breakup—and noted that a close friend of hers is going through one right now.

“It’s hard. You could be in a crowd of people and still feel alone. I still deal with that,” she admitted, and encouraged people to just feel their emotions. “You have to go through it. You can distract yourself and you can deny and deny all you want, but it’ll still be there. I just allow myself to have those days.”

Clearly, the 31-year-old knows time heals everything.

The “Single Soon” singer and the 36-year-old creative confirmed their romance last December and have been publicly spotted together at sporting events, as well as gushing about each other on social media. They’re not hiding their romance or happiness from anyone and have even been caught talking about the long-term future.

“I was alone for five years, and I got really used to it. A lot of people are afraid of being alone and I probably tortured myself in my head for like two years being alone, and then I kind of accepted it. Then I came up with my plan, which was I was going to adopt at 35 if I had not met anyone,” Gomez revealed, but noted that meeting (and falling in love with) Blanco was never part of the plan. “It just happens when you least expect it.”

Ananya Panchal


Ananya Panchal is a NYC-based Lifestyle & Trending News writer at SI Swimsuit. Before joining the Swim team, the Boston University Alum worked for culture & entertainment beats at Bustle, The San Francisco Chronicle and the TODAY Show. When Ananya is not writing or doom-scrolling on social media, she can be found playing sudoku, rewatching One Tree Hill or trying new restaurants. She's also a coffee and chocolate (separately) enthusiast.