You Only Need 3 Ingredients to Make Melissa Wood-Tepperberg’s Power Juice

Kickstart your day with this tasty wellness boost.
Melissa Wood-Tepperberg

Melissa Wood-Tepperberg.

Melissa Wood-Tepperberg’s power juice is just about as simple as it gets. The workout and wellness leader has a knack for creating delicious and nutritious recipes with the cleanest of ingredients, and her most recent green juice is no exception.

For those times when you need a little bit of a wellness boost—or are simply craving a refreshing beverage other than water—try her “power juice,” the perfect blend of just three ingredients.

The only three items you’ll need are celery, cucumber and lemon. With a juicer on-hand, simply place a bunch of celery, trimmed and washed, one cucumber and one peeled lemon in the machine and blend. That’s all there is to it. The resulting juice is just about as refreshing as can be.

Her latest simple recipe is just one of the many that Wood-Tepperberg has shared on her social media channels and on her platform, MWH

If you find that you really enjoy her green juice recipe and would love more tasty and healthy food content, be sure to check out her website, where she posts recipes and workouts every week. Monthly subscriptions to her site are just $14.95, and grant you access to everything from the best nutrition advice to the most delicious recipes and the most effective workouts (among the many, strength, Pilates and stretching are included).

New Year’s resolution season is well in the past, but it’s always a great time to form good habits. Maybe start with this green juice, and go from there.

Martha Zaytoun


Martha Zaytoun is a Lifestyle & Trending News writer for SI Swimsuit. Before joining the team, Martha worked on the editorial board of the University of Notre Dame’s student magazine and on the editorial team at Chapel Hill, Durham and Chatham Magazines in North Carolina. When not working, Martha loves to watercolor and oil paint, run or water ski. She is a graduate of the University of Notre Dame and a huge Fighting Irish fan.