Melissa Wood-Tepperberg Offers 5 Benefits of Working Out With a Friend

Melissa Wood-Tepperberg.
NBC/Getty Images
We can always turn to workout and wellness leader Melissa Wood-Tepperberg for actionable advice related to our overall well-being. The 2023 SI Swimsuit rookie delivered on TikTok earlier this week, when she offered up five benefits of working out with a friend.
In the Oct. 11 video, Wood-Tepperberg and a pal demonstrated a few stretches and Pilates exercises while inside a sauna. The 40-year-old donned a strappy white bikini for the occasion, while her companion opted for a brown two-piece swimsuit.
Wood-Tepperberg shared the following benefits of exercising with a partner:
1. More motivation = better results
Wood-Tepperberg regularly inspires her followers to dig deep to discover their motivation. Last month, she encouraged her fans to ask themselves three important questions to start their week off on the right note: What are your intentions? What are you excited for? How can you show yourself more love?
2. You can hold each other accountable
The MWH founder practices what she preaches: whether she works out with her husband, Noah Tepperberg, or flows with a friend, she prioritizes movement as a busy mom of two and shows up for herself.
3. You can learn new techniques
Wood-Tepperberg’s app makes mindful movement attainable and accessible for all, so it’s a great place to start when it comes to creating an exercise routine or adding new techniques to your existing routine with a partner.
4. You’ll feel less stressed
The certified yoga and Pilates instructor is incredibly open with her followers about her meditation practice, which she prioritizes equally with daily movement for easing anxiety. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, grab a workout buddy and release those endorphins for a natural mood boost.
5. You have someone to celebrate with
Success is always better when shared, and that includes wellness milestones!