Melissa Wood-Tepperberg Offers a Powerful Message About Listening to Your Body’s Nutritional Needs

Tune out the outside noise and your own discomfort and lean in to your intuition, according to the workout and wellness leader.
Melissa Wood-Tepperberg

Melissa Wood-Tepperberg.

The way each and every one of us chooses to nourish our bodies is personal. It should simply be about our own nutritional needs and intuition. But, as workout and wellness leader Melissa Wood-Teppeberg noted in a recent Instagram post, it’s not as simple as all of that.

Our personal “diets” are subject to the same sort of self-judgement as anything else we do. That much was true for the MWH founder, too.

“It took a hell of a lot of courage to share that I introduced animal products back into my diet. I shamed myself for it and felt guilty because I wished I didn’t want them,” she explained in her post. “But I had to stop thinking about what everyone was going to think of me and lean into what my body was intuitively telling me. This way of life may not be for everyone but I had to quiet the noise to tune into myself, my needs and what made me feel better.”

For Wood-Tepperberg, she recognized the importance of listening to her own needs, rather than allowing the shame she felt—or the opinions of others—influence her. It’s not about “fit[ting] a mold,” it’s about making sure your body is fueled correctly, she noted.

“The way I eat isn’t perfect, I’m still to this day working through the way I feel about eating certain things but most of all it’s my journey to process and no one else’s,” she said. “People are always going to have A Lot to say about everything you do. But there’s one person I’m choosing to listen to (finally) and that’s myself.”

Her message is meaningful for many reasons, but particularly for its reminder to trust your own intuition (where food and everything else is concerned) and to quiet the external noise.

If you’re looking for ways to nourish your body properly in 2024 and beyond, be sure to check out Wood-Tepperberg’s “7 day food guide,” which can be found through her Reset and Renew program. For more recipes, check out her website, where she will be releasing new breakfast, lunch and dinner ideas each week.

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Martha Zaytoun

Martha Zaytoun is a Lifestyle & Trending News writer for SI Swimsuit. Before joining the team, Martha worked on the editorial board of the University of Notre Dame’s student magazine and on the editorial team at Chapel Hill, Durham and Chatham Magazines in North Carolina. When not working, Martha loves to watercolor and oil paint, run or water ski. She is a graduate of the University of Notre Dame and a huge Fighting Irish fan.