Katie Austin’s 7-Move Weighted Ab Workout Is a Must for Your Next Gym Session

Having experienced California-based fitness instructor Katie Austin’s workouts in person, it’s safe to say we have full trust in her routines. Not only does she bring energy and enthusiasm to the mat, but she brings her expertise—a solid understanding of how to craft safe and effective fitness sets.
Following her routine step-by-step, we could feel our bodies responding to the moves, gaining strength with each one. That’s part of her promise as a fitness instructor: to make you stronger each time you hit the mat.
We’re certain that her latest ab routine will do just that. With seven moves and the addition of weights for an added challenge, the set is guaranteed to tone. In an Instagram demonstration that Austin shared, she recommended performing the following moves for 25 to 30 seconds with 20 to 25 seconds of rest in between each. For a real challenge, she suggested repeating the set two to three times.
1. Toe reaches
Lay on your back and extend your legs up toward the ceiling. Holding a dumbbell between your hands, reach up toward your toes, lifting your shoulder blades off the mat. Lay back down, then repeat.
2. Ab scissors
Lay on your back and extend your legs up toward the ceiling. Lift your upper body off of the ground and extend a dumbbell overhead. Slowly lower one leg toward the mat, then lift it back up toward the ceiling. Repeat, alternating legs as you go.
3. Weighted sit-ups to press
Lay on your back with your knees bent and your feet planted on the mat. Grab a dumbbell in each hand. Keeping the weights close to your chest, come into a seated position. Extend the dumbbells over head, then return toward your chest. Lay back down, then repeat.
4. Russian twists
Come to a C-curve position on your mat with knees bent and your feet lifted. Hold a dumbbell between your hands. Twist your torso, bringing the weight toward one hip, then twist back through center and toward the other hip. Repeat.
5. Standing cross crunch
Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Hold a dumbbell in one hand overhead. Simultaneously pull the weight down toward center and lift your opposite leg, bringing your knee up to meet your elbow. Return to the starting position, then repeat. Make sure to complete on both sides.
6. Plank pull throughs
Start in a high plank position with two dumbbells resting on the mat right above each hand. Pick up the weight with your left hand. Pike your hips and bring the weight back toward your opposite foot. Set the weight down in front of your foot. Return to plank. Repeat on the opposite side. Reverse the process to bring both weights back toward the top of the mat.
7. Side dips
Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Hold one dumbbell by your side. Place your other hand on your hip. Crunch to the side, letting the weight fall toward your knee, while keeping it close to your body. Stand back up, then repeat. Make sure to complete on both sides.